Tuesday, August 30, 2011

DIY Chalk Board Mail Box

Many of the blogs I follow are full of wonderful DIY projects.  I
 love reading them and picking out the ones that  I can recreate
 and will be cute in my cottage home.  I have been sucked in by
the coffee filter wreath, (which was easy and adorable) the many
uses for chalk paint, vinyl stickers and of course burlap.

I have been wanting to show a project but never felt
anything was original enough to post. 

 Until now.

My husband has been scraping our front porch fencing to get it
 ready to paint.  When I was out helping watching him the other
 day, I noticed how nasty my brass mailbox and porch lights
 looked.  They were all crusty and oxidized and frankly, 1980's
 looking.  I asked if he could take the lights down and spray paint
them black. I was going to do the same with the mailbox
but thought it might be fun to do the mailbox in
chalkboard black instead.

I thought I could write cute notes like "no bills please" or put
 our initial on it, or anything I felt like doing on any given day. 
 At first I was worried it would be too flat looking but it
turned out adorable! 

Here is what the mailbox looked like before:

Ok, I realize this is a doorknob, but this is what the
mailbox looked like on the outside.  I know
I have to take a before picture.  I didn't know I was
going to post until it came out cute. 

Lesson learned.

Here is how the mailbox turned out:

I hope it makes my mailman smile!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Just thought you should know.

I took my son to dinner tonight. 
 It was just the two of us. 
 We had a very nice time eating
 and talking about his usual interests. 
 Star Wars, Lego's, Lego's that are
 Star Wars,  you get the picture. 

Anyway, when we got in the car
he was a unusually quiet.
  When I was getting ready to pull in my
driveway, he started to speak. 
 Now at this point, after being quiet,
 I thought he was going
to make a sweet statement,
as he has been known to do,
such as, thank you for taking me out
 to dinner or mention what a good time
 we had by ourselves on a "date"
at the restaurant or that we should
do it again next time daddy has to work. 

Comments like this usually come
after a little quiet reflection from him.

The following is what he said:

Boy- "Mom."

Mom-  "Yes honey."

Boy-  "I didn't poop at all yesterday,
 I just thought you should know."

Now you know too.

Friday, August 5, 2011


I haven't written much lately, because the boy
 and I are trying to soak up as much
Summer as possible!

Trying to get in more swims, more s'mores,
 more backyard fires and just plain
 hanging out before school starts. 

 I can't believe how quickly it is going.

I read this post today.
I could not have said it better myself!

(She rocks, by the way)

After you read it, get up, go out and enjoy
 what is left of summer!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

See, I saw this post and it caught my eye (brow)

This is not the deepest post you will ever read.
 (in fact, neither was my last one)

But I don't feel deep today.   I feel tired after the holiday weekend.
So having said that, this is about


I know, I know, Settle. Use your inside voice to contain the excitement!

I have always been obsessed with eyebrows.  Mine in particular.

But other peoples too.

I don't know why.  I get them tweezed and waxed and even had that
stringy thing done (not my favorite)  and I'm always on a search
looking for the best eyebrow products.

Anyway,  I said all that, to say this:

 I saw a post about eyebrows here
 and thought it was good!

Right now I am obsessing about the Benefit line of eyebrow goodies.

I had my eyebrows done recently at a Benefit beauty bar and it was the
 BEST eyebrow wax and shape I have ever had!
 I highly recommend them.

(Shout out to Meredith at Ulta in Fairlawn!)

What is your favorite eyebrow product?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Cutest. Nails. Ever.

I want, need, have to have this as my next manicure!!!!! 

Photos: thecommaqueen.tumblr.com, ale-kat.tumblr.com

M, are you listening?
Pretty, Pretty Please!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Father's Day

I know a thing or two about father's

That’s because I have the greatest father in the world!

But this post isn’t about him. It’s about my sons father.

I know there are many wonderful fathers out there,
but it's my blog and I'm going to brag on my hubby!

He’s not just the kind of father that goes out and
works hard, because he does.

But he’s the kind of
father who puts his son and wife first.

He’s done doctors appointments when I couldn’t.

He’s gone out at 2:00 in the morning when my sons
 asthma medicine ran out.

He kept it together (and me together) and sprung into
action when we didn't know our son was allergic to nuts and
we spent a very scary night in the E.R.

He’s done field trips and class parties.

He sacrifices his own wants and needs to
 make sure our needs are met

He makes seriously rockin scrambled eggs!!!

(Thank you Paula Dean)

He’s not afraid to get in the car and just go and
 see where we end up.

When the boy was a baby he would get up, change diapers
  and let mommy sleep.

The first time the boy had the flu and we were both covered in throw up he never flinched.

But most of all, he loves the Lord.

And his desire is to lead our family.

He prays over us.  He teaches our son Gods Word.

He's faithful!

His deepest desire is for our son to know the
Lord, grow in Him, serve Him and become
a Godly young man.

 Because that's what's most important!

Funny, isn't that what our Heavenly Father wants for us too?

Happy Fathers Day Daddy!!!!
We Love you!!!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Birthday Blessings

One of my BFF's threw her daughter a birthday party today.

There was lots of pink! 
 There were tutu's hanging from the trees.

There were hats and gloves.

I think more people should wear gloves!

There was yummy food and drinks, lots of tulle, paper flowers,
a fashion show, face painting, bubbles, makeup and glittery jewelry.

Now the thing is, it wasn't just that my friend threw a wonderful
party for her daughter, it was that her and her mom and sister
blessed other little girls who may never have a dream party
 like this one.

  But that is what they do. 

They minister to people with their
home and crafts and cooking and baking. 

 They do it because they love Jesus. 

 And because they do it, these little girls love Jesus too!

And that is a reason to party!!!!!!