I know a thing or two about father's
That’s because I have the greatest father in the world!
But this post isn’t about him. It’s about my sons father.
I know there are many wonderful fathers out there,
but it's my blog and I'm going to brag on my hubby!
He’s not just the kind of father that goes out and
works hard, because he does.
But he’s the kind of
father who puts his son and wife first.
He’s done doctors appointments when I couldn’t.
He’s gone out at 2:00 in the morning when my sons
asthma medicine ran out.
He kept it together (and me together) and sprung into
action when we didn't know our son was allergic to nuts and
we spent a very scary night in the E.R.
He’s done field trips and class parties.
He sacrifices his own wants and needs to
make sure our needs are met
He makes seriously rockin scrambled eggs!!!
(Thank you Paula Dean)
He’s not afraid to get in the car and just go and
see where we end up.
When the boy was a baby he would get up, change diapers
and let mommy sleep.
The first time the boy had the flu and we were both covered in throw up he never flinched.
But most of all, he loves the Lord.
And his desire is to lead our family.
He prays over us. He teaches our son Gods Word.
He's faithful!
His deepest desire is for our son to know the
Lord, grow in Him, serve Him and become
a Godly young man.
Because that's what's most important!
Funny, isn't that what our Heavenly Father wants for us too?
Happy Fathers Day Daddy!!!!
We Love you!!!!!
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